4b. Neutralizing Acids and Bases

The Experiment

For this experiment we had a few drops of indicator in a beaker and we had to put in some acidic liquid and neutralize it. Then we did the same again but witha  basic liquid.

Neutralizing an acid

To neutralize an acid that had a pH of 1, we added some basic liquid to it and kept adding a few drops of each liquid until it was a brownish liquid with a pH of about 7, meaning neutral.

Here is a pucture of the acid that we neutralized:

Neutralizing a base

To neutralize a base with a pH of 14, we added some acidic liquid to it and kept adding drops of the two liquids until it too was a brown colour with a pH of 7 too.

One Response to “4b. Neutralizing Acids and Bases”

  1. michaelschimweg Says:

    Cool project!! I started a new site http://www.energizealkalize.com

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